The CEO of the popular messaging service Telegram, Pavel Durov, was detained by French authorities last week, and a lady going by the name Juli Vavilova was placed under custody. Many have speculated if the woman’s involvement which many have referred to as “mysterious” led to Durov’s arrest as a result of her social media posts and recordings.
Durov, known as “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” is accused of spreading illegal information on Telegram, a platform with 900 million active users, and is currently facing many accusations in this regard. A further layer of mystery surrounding the arrest is that sources suggest Durov was joined by a lady named Juli Vavilova, who is thought to be his girlfriend.
He is charged with failing to prevent several types of illegal activity on his platform. In the days preceding Pavel’s arrest, Vavilova was seen many times with Pavel. Prior to arriving in France and being apprehended by police officials after landing at Le Bourget airport outside of Paris, the pair had visited Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan.
Who is Juli Vavilova?
Due to her relationship with Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, Juli Vavilova has lately become well-known. Despite her prior lack of recognition, her connection to Durov particularly in light of his recent legal issues has elevated her to a prominent position. Based in Dubai, 24-year-old Juli Vavilova is a Crypto Coach and livestream. In the field of online gaming and cryptocurrencies in particular, she has made a name for herself.
Her ability to speak Arabic, Spanish, Russian, and English fluently further enhances her distinctive profile. Juli’s passion for gaming and cryptocurrency, two topics in which she has made a name for herself as an influencer and coach, is evident in her online persona. Her widespread popularity around the globe, especially in the Middle East and Russia, is probably partly due to her ability to converse in four languages.
Juli Vavilova Biography, Age, Height
Name | Juli Vavilova |
Age | 24 |
Location | Dubai |
Occupation | Crypto Coach, Streamer |
Height (approx.) | 168 cm |
Weight (approx.) | 56 Kg |
Eye Color | Hazel |
Hair Color | Brown |
Nationality | Dubai |
Hometown | Dubai |
Religion/Religious Views | Not known |
Food Habit | Eating Sea Food |
Hobbies | Gaming, Cryptocurrency, Languages, Mindset |
Marital Status | Not publicly available (in relationship with Pavel Durov) |
Boyfriend | Pavel Durov (Telegram CEO) |
Mother | Not known |
Father | Not known |
Net Worth | Not known |
Theories and Speculations
There have been floating theories on social media regarding Vavilova’s role in Durov’s detention. According to some theories, Durov was detained by authorities as a result of her possible monitoring or inquiry. Others think she could have inadvertently brought attention to herself and Durov, or maybe she was even complicit in the actions that resulted in his detention.
Even more bizarre hypotheses exist, suggesting that Vavilova may be a Mossad agent or a “honeytrap,” albeit these beliefs are unsupported by hard data. Vavilova’s role and whereabouts remain unclear due to her loved ones’ inability to get in touch with her since her incarceration, which further adds to the mystery.
Many speculation around Juli Vavilova’s involvement in Pavel Durov’s arrest, even if the specifics of her involvement are still unknown. She has certainly got attention because of her affiliation with Durov, regardless of whether she was directly involved in the events leading up to the arrest or was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Net Worth and Social Media Influence
Juli Vavilova’s job as a Crypto Coach and streamer implies that she has probably attained some level of financial success, even though details on Juli Vavilova net worth 2025 is not available. She is also in close proximity to major fortune due to her involvement with Pavel Durov, whose estimated net worth is over $15.5 billion.
Although Juli’s over thousands of Instagram followers may not seem impressive by celebrity standards, it is noteworthy for a specialized influencer in the gaming and cryptocurrency industries. Since her relationship with Durov became known, her content which consists of images and narratives from many nations has attracted notice.
Background: The Arrest of Pavel Durov
Since 2014, Pavel Durov, a notorious figure for his refusal to give the Russian government encrypted data, has been living under covert cover. Durov has continued to be a target for foreign law enforcement agencies even after leaving Russia due to threats of persecution. As part of an ongoing investigation by the Interior Ministry, Durov was recently granted a search order by French police.
A perceived lack of moderation on Telegram and the platform’s usage of cryptocurrency are the main causes of the inquiry, which focuses on allegations of crimes against minors, including suspicions of cooperation in international drug trafficking and pedophilia. Past weekend saw the arrest of Durov at the airport in Le Bourget, close to Paris, which was a major development in the case. That being said, Durov was apparently traveling with Juli Vavilova prior to his apprehension, and this has brought attention to her as well.